Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Know Your Genes

If you’ve earnestly tried to lose weight, but you’re not seeing the results of your efforts, your genetics may be partly to blame.

Just as researchers understand how genetics determine your height, eye, and skin color, they’re beginning to understand how your genes affect your ability to lose weight.

In a recent clinical study, people lost over 2.5 times more weight on a diet that was right for their genes than those that were following a genotype-inappropriate diet. In fact, people on the genotype-matched diet lost 13.2 pounds on average!*

Know what’s right for your genes. Take the Test!
There’s an easy test you can take , developed by Inherent Health®, a leader in the field of genetic testing. With just a swab of your cheek, you can peer into your own unique genetic makeup and identify the eating and exercise plan that’s right for you. You’ll receive a personalized plan backed by clinical studies and strong genetic science. Once you're logged in as an IBO or customer, you can order the test through the Inherent Health Partner Store.

Once I know, where do I go?
Your test results will determine if you should follow the NUTRILITE® Weight Management Carb Reducer™ Plan,Better Balancer™ Plan, or Fat Trimmer™ Plan. Once you get your results in the mail, come back and order the plan that’s right for you!

Want to start right away?
Check out the NUTRILITE Switch2Slim Plan, which will help you control calories with convenient meal replacement options. Or, based on your previous weight-loss history, you can always order the Carb Reducer Plan,Better Balancer Plan, or Fat Trimmer Plan to start, then switch if your test results indicate one of the other plans would work better for you.

*Mindy Dopler Nelson, Prakash Prabhakar, Venkateswarlu Kondragunta, Kenneth S. Kornman, Christopher Gardner. Genetic Phenotypes Predict Weight Loss Success: The Right Diet Does Matter (Oral Presentation #4). Presented at the American Heart Association’s Joint Conference – 50th Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention and Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism – 2010, March 2–5, 2010, San Francisco, California.

Trademarks: Carb Reducer, Better Balancer, and Fat Trimmer (Interleukin Genetics, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts).